Writer: Dr Subhash Chandra Mazumder
Bilaspur, India (July 12, 1991)
(While he was posted as collector of Raigarh district he came in contact with Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram. His spiritual height, simplicity, compassion for the poor specially trials, contemporary social and political situation of the country and the world. The present book is the result of Dr Mazumder’s long talk with Aughar Baba.)
The immortal epic Ramayana is attributed to the first saint poet Valmiki. What Valmiki composed long before the birth of Rama are said to have been enacted by the latter during his lifetime. Valmiki Ramayana is written in Sanskrit and is not accessible to general public. Like any epic Ramayana also depicts contemporary social customs and values. Human aspirations, stories of their love and hatred, ambition, achievement, life style, social concept and the like are very much reflected in epics. It is difficult to assign specific authorship of any epic to one person. May be a number of enlightened and thinking person in a society have to contribute collectively in the creation of epic. Historians do look to the epics expectantly. However, when they find that for writing history other supporting evidences are weak they are inclined to accept the happenings detailed in the epic. This shows that the historicity of is rather weak The reason may be that while describing an event the fanciful flight of human imagination is hardly bound by any limit. In a society of people with low level of mental development where cause and effect: relationship in nature can hardly strike their mind at any stage any one with better developed and well meaning mind is likely to be super imposed with unseen force namely God. Alternately the ideal character is created by contemporary thinkers. He is attributed all the godly conducts ideal for the society at any time This leads one to think as to why the epics have been written. Does this reflect the eternal instinct of human mind to know and achieve the ultimate on any subject? This is the inevitable result of rational thinking at the level of what is called human mind. In other words what man has been thinking about since the creation of mind for achieving the ultimate answer to all, mostly works at the mental level. Thoughts of nature as mother goddess have evolved in all the three prominent human races Caucasoid Mongolia and Negroid. Under favourable climatic conditions seeds sprout in earth. Such is the case in the reproductive system of man. The fertilized ovum takes shelter in the thick fertile walls of uterus the embedded life form, the embryo, gradually develops into a human body with highly developed brain. The object of introducing the development of plant and human forms is to see how nature has been able to implement her laws scrupulously in both these cases concerning living objects.
Human mind has been always admiring nature, perhaps not put out of love, but out of awe and fear. This shows the limitation of man’s mind He has not been able to analyse all cause and affect relationships in nature. This limitation of human mind may be the cause of belief in some unseen force assuming names like God, Brahma, Allah, Tao, Budha and the like, Art and literature originate initially at mental level. Man’s experience about nature is super imposed in his mind canvas and art is created. May be the idea of God is also a direct result human experience of Nature. In the process man has always been trying for achieving the ultimate truth. He wants to see his ideal personality in society in some form known to him no wonder the incarnation of God Avtar, descends on earth in human or other form.
Like any other epic Ramayana has the hero in Rama, the son of king Dasarath of the sun dynasty. Original Sanskrit Ramayana has been translated in various Indian languages with modification. I his tends to show that epic do reflect the contemporary social conditions at large. Rama’s is the near ideal character. His role as man is commendable. In all, society has accepted Rama as best person who shows respects to everybody and everything. He is Maryada purusottam. He admires each and every object of Nature since everything has an assigned role to play. This ensures harmony in Nature. Rama knows this and thus shows respect everything.
Without going into the historicity of Ramayana I would like to analyse the relevance of the epic and its character hero, Rama in the following paragraphs.
Human body is the result of long evolutionary process through hundreds of thousands of years. The anatomical feature in man and any other mammal is basically same. So is the physiology, the science of live functioning of the body viz, digestion, respiration, circulation, reproduction and nervous coordination. The most important development in human body, during the course of evolution of course, has been in the brain. What is known as rationality lies in brain, innumerable brain cells from the complex network in that part of the brain known as cerebrum? How the nerve impulses are transmitted is not yet fully known. But it is presumed that a thought wave generates a series of impulses may be in the form of electromagnetic waves, the commonly known mode of wireless transmission in physical world Thus it can easily be presumed how the science of thought reading has developed.
There are innumerable nerve circuits in brain. All the circuits however, do not work together. Concentration of mind and meditation may develop the faculty in man as how to increase the working of more number of circuits simultaneously and in a coordinated manner. Circuital coordination is necessary for both overall body functioning and with relation to environmental changes, if any. The latter is called adaptation natural adaptation of human body cannot be said to be perfect. However his developed brain has encouraged him to conquer new environments limit not to this planet only. Man’s journey to outer space is an instance. Journey to outer space is, however, a physical phenomenon mentally man has reached outer space long ago. The sun, moon and stars have attracted first man’s attention. The same is still persisting. Man has been end eavouring to know the objects of outer space. A simultaneous inquisitiveness has also led him to his own mind. This has helped him in evolving the ideas of God.
Man has discovered that the phenomena happening in the outside world are also reflected in his mind. He has put the sun, moon and fire in his own body. Indian sages and yogis have developed the concept of nadis in human body corresponding to the moon and sun, the idea and pingla nadis on the two sides of the spinal cord the susumna nadi. The pair of nadis Ida and pingla, in their turn correspond to the left and right nostrils. Our breath is generally active in one of the two nostrils at any time. Some time the left nostril breaths faster and active in one of the two nostrils at any time. Some time the left nostril breaths faster and actively and vice versa at times both the left nostrils breathe equally. It is thus called that susumna is working. Mind is in fully concentrated state when the susumna works. Before discussing development of spiritualism in man one should know the basic organisation and functioning of human body. That is why this subject has been imported in a book on spiritualism. The development of spiritualism can be interpreted as the inevitable one in the process of evolution of human body itself. Indian sages have interpreted human body as the micro cosmos, kshudra brahmanda. They have declared_” what is found in cosmos is available in man’s body.” The concept of three worlds. Brahma lok, and shiva lok has gradually gained roots. Analogy of these worlds may be found in man’s body itself. Brahma, the God of creation, in the form of earth element, lives in the lower part of the body that is the area of genitalia. Vishnu has been assigned the duty of sustenance of life in the form of water element lives in the part of body where the blooder is situated. This is also the part where the foetus develops in the womb. The foetus floats in a fluid corresponding to the causal sea, kaaran sagar where Vishnu reclines. The umbilical cord of the foetus may represent the lotus stalk of Vishnu’s navel on which Brahma is born at the beginning of a time cycle kalpa. The long twine like umbilical cord reminds one of the mythological serpents, sheshnag. Shiva, the God of purity, wisedom and benevolence has been assigned a higher place in human body. Fire is the elemental equiv from the above one is tempted to come to the conclusion that there may not be any place like heaven and hell in this universe. These two places, in reality are man’s flair of imagination. A thinking mind has the tendency to resort to fantasy. Man creates heaven and hell on this earth by his own conduct. Human mind has the craving for better things in life. But his own conduct pours water on his wish. Unfortunately man finds himself in a difficult position to change his conduct. His behaviour to others in the society. Man’s own conduct and behaviour that are not good to other are not good to him as well. Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram, the saint of Varanasi has described bad conducts as poisonous snakes and good conduct as sweet scented flowers. He says, ‘if you behave improperly to others if your conduct, is such that you inflict injuries to others feeling and do harm to them, there is every possibility that your same conduct causes harm first to yourself, because they are like poisonous snakes. If one harbourse snake they will bite the keeper first. Good conduct, on the other hand is remember by people for long. This is like the sweet scented flower.” Any society with people with good conduct will create atmosphere of heaven, whereas people with bad conduct can make the society a real hell.
The GURU is synonymous with electricity. If the electrical fittings in all your ten rooms (the ten organs of your body) have been properly installed, the electric current will naturally flow through all of them----Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
O worshippers of MAA GURU! None teaches the lion to hunt, the fish to swim. O, worshippers of the SAD GURU MANTRA! Comprehend it and realise it. -------
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram.
With development of mind man has been trying to analyse the happenings in nature around him. Natures have been his friend and also object of suspicion. How nature will behave was always a mystery to primitive man. Volcanic eruption causing flow of hot molten lava could have occurred anywhere anytime. Thunder, storm, rain flood. Change of season, wild beasts, diseases and death have been haunting man since the dawn of human evolution. Modern man with much knowledge and experience about nature has devised various ways to combat her onslaught. He knows how to fight dreadful diseases with medicine and prevent premature death, a very much known phenomenon to him a few centuries ago. Man has tried to quench his thirst for knowledge by creating art in liesure time. This has encouraged man to search for his own identity in nature. He has tried to enach the happenings of nature by himself. Man has observed the change of season corresponding to his own life’s. Spring symbolises his youth. Reproduction is synoynous with spring both in nature and man. Spring is followed by summer when the young live forms grow and attain maturity. Yellow leaves fall and wither during winter. Winter symbolises old age in man. Man has always felt an urge to imitate happenings of nature in his own life. He has composed music following the rhythms of nature’s changing climatic conditions. There is a common saying that the melodious musical note, malhar rag has the power to condense water vapours of atmosphere to cloud causing rain. Similarly raag vasanta bahar while played correctly causes flowers to bloom untimely. Raag Deepak when played with perfect tunes and note can create fire. Man has imagined the sun as a God whose chariot is drawn by behaviours of man can be inter. Preted as some sort of magic, called homoeopathic magic. Man imitates certain phenomena of nature in his life with the belief that the same will happen in nature too. As if man provokes nature to react as he wishes. All these have been observed and analysed by man coming to the conclusion that there is unity between him and nature.
Gods and goddesses have been created by man to help understand nature.
God and Goddesses have been allotted vehicles vahans by man. Owl is the nature enemy of rat that damages crop. No wonder lakshmi, goddess of crop and fortune has chosen owl as his vahan.
Rat is also the unwelcome guest in a house. It is synonymous with trouble. Who else than Ganesh, the god who frees people from all trouble will use rat as his vahan. Varun, the god of water ascends on a crocodile back. Kartikeya, commander of heavenly army has chosen peacock with sharp claws and beak set for deadly fight with his natural enemy, snake. Peacock symbolises fighting spirit. Saraswati, goddess of learning and art has been assigned a while swan as her vahan. Long and flexible neck of swan has drawn the attention of artists as object of beauty and grace. Both these latter qualities are attributed to goddess saraswati. Crow is attributed evil portents. Not so beautiful crow has been allotled to the dreaded Goddess Dhumavati who is known for devouring her own husband, Bhairava. These are some of the instances to show that development in nature has fascinated man in creating gods and Goddesses. Development of religion and spiritualism has gone hand in hand with evolution of human brain. They may actually be the product of man’s adaptation to nature during the course of evolution. Economic political and other forces in a society might have been in course of time, superimposed on the religiospiritual canvas of human mind. Social values take shape gradually. A striking uniformity in the basic social values like respect to the elderly persons and dead bodies, love and affection for children, beliefs in the forces of nature and the like is found amongst the three prominent races of man viz., Caucasoid mongoloid and Negroid.
Woman in a society has been compared to earth; Earth produces and sustains all life forms. After death the same earth gives shelter to all. Everything perishes in earth. Various magical ideas around fertility cult have developed in all parts of the world almost simultaneously. This shows as to how the brain cells of all the human races have developed in the same way. Although spiritualism has developed rather fast in eastern part of earth.
Shree Sarveshwari Samooh is the resort of my yogic sport. It is my firm conviction that all the existing institutions or religions in the creation have been evolved in different countries and nations by my own atman (soul), which is pervading the world in various forms. Sarveshwari prevents the growth of indolence amongst the people. Sarveshwari is my Atman ------Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
Epics, as stated in fist chapter, are creation of man during course of social evolution. The famous epics, the Ramayana and Mahabharata, have gained so mush popularity that these find acceptance even amongst the most primitive tribes of India. Primitive tribes of India or adivasis, the first in habitants as they are thought to be, by and large do not occupy the centre stage in India society, what is known as the present day Hinduism is really a synthesis do not find place in the vedas the scripture thought to be the creation of Aryans. If one analyses the umpteen numbers of them minutely, a vast majority are found to have been coming from prearyan civilisation of India. The aim of this book is not to determine the share of Aryan and non Aryan elements in present day Indian society. We will be trying to discuss the important characters of the epic Ramayana. The central character is Rama. He is accepted as the God incarnation scriptures say that when virtuous persons in the society suffer in the hands of atrocious people known as demons God takes birth in various forms on earth including man. They are incarnation or avatar of God. People get relief from the atrocities Ravana is such an evil ones because the avtar kills them. Ravana is such an evil character as described in Ramayana. Ravana, the king of lanka, kindnapped Sita, Rama’s consort and perpetrated atrocities on Sita in ashok vatika as the latter refused to marry ravana.
Bibhisan however, a pious soul. He advises Ravana to patch up with Rama, the incarnation of Vishnu or else the former may be perished in a deadly battle. Ravana, the wise but short sighted king does not oblige his brother by listening to his advice. Rama during the period of exile makes friendship with Hanuman, Sugriva, jambuvant and Bibhisan. All help Rama in his fight with Ravana who along with his kiths and kins are ultimately killed in the battle. Lanka is massacred. Sita is rescued. King Dasarath of Ajodhya dies out of shock and grief of Rama’s exile for fourteen years. Lakshman, the step brother of Rama accompanies him during his exile. Bharat, another step brother of Rama does not oblige his mother kaikeyi by ascending the throne of Ajodhya on the contrary bharat rules, as desired by Rama, in the name of the latter, putting Rama’s sandals, padukas symbolically on the throne. Other characters are not being described for obvious reasons.
All the major and minor characters of Ramayana have created in such details that the contemporary society of India is fully reflected in the epic. This makes Ramayana the immortal epic.
The hero of the epic Ramayana is Rama. He is described as the best amongst men who shows respect to all and recognises the dignity of the smallest in the society. He is maryada purusettama.
The words are significant. Everybody in the society may be big or small has an assigned duty to perform. For example, sweeper is the untouchable in our society. He is generally hated by people but have we ever thought of his duty. He cleans daily. So we can live happily.
The filth is created by all daily, because this is a product of living forms. The cobbler, another untouchable stitches shoes and shines them. How many of us are courteous to him? Both the sweeper and the cobbler have their own dignity. But society, by and large refuse to understand this. No wonder Rama, the avtar has to embrace the kewat, the fisherman when these plums in latter refused to take money from Rama and his family while ferrying them. Sabari, the low caste women offers the avtar Rama half eaten plum forgetting that this is not proper. Rama goes on eating these plums in delight. Rama, the avtar could not say no to Sabari. Devotion and heartfelt love cannot be bound by logic and reasoning. This conduct of Rama, his made him great. While trying to fight the mighty lanka king with army, Rama took help from even a squirrel that had dusted its body and put them on the bridge under construction to reach Lanka. Rama pats the creature. Three stripes showing Rama’s finger signs are still found on the squirrel’s back. Rama recognises the wisedom of jambuvanta, the grand old bear. He goes by Jambuvanta’s advice during the battle. The small untrained monkeys under their big leaders like Human, Sugriva, Nal and Neel could give a tough fight to Ravana’s well trained army. Rama shows his gratefulness to all. He recognises their dignity.
He is the best amongst men. He is maryada purusottam. The conduct and behaviour of Rama is worth emulating. On the contrary Ravana the wise and powerful king is slain by Rama Ravana’s bad conduct, his intemperance; arrogance and refusal to see reason are the causes of his death. Mere wisedom does not help man to become successful in life. What is required is accommodation, recognising realities of life and showing respect to all. Ravana has made Rama’s conduct more glorified.
Dissolve the (Guru Give) mantra in your mouth. See what pleasure you get. Life will be fulfilled, and you will get a glimpse of the soul. .------- Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
Valmiki composed Ramayana long before the birth of Rama. All the happenings of Rama’s future life have been described in great detail by Valmiki. He could see the birth and life of Rama, son of king Dasaratha. Valmiki has witnessed the helplessness of Rama’s wife Sita in exile. He has given her shelter in his hermitage where the twin sons Lava and Kusha were born. Valmiki has trained the younger princes of sun dynasty in archery and imparted in archery and imparted teachings that would make them good kings in future. Lava and Kusha had learnt to sing the events of Rama’s life in melodious voice in the royal court. Valmiki Ramayana in Sanskrit has been translated in various other Indian languages. The last one is by the poet saint Goswami Tulsidas in Hindi.
Tulsidas is one of the products of bhakti cult that had flooded the country during the Muslim rules of Sultans and Mughals in Delbi. Kabir, Nanak, Surdas, Tulsidas, Ramanuja, Chaitanya all speak of bhakti in their own way. Universal message of brotherhood liberalism of Islam had appealed to the enlightened Indian minds to think over the vices of strict ritualism of Hindus, the general mental be numbness of Indian milieu religious orthodoxy and multihooded snake like caste system. The result is the crop of saint cum social reformers mentioned above. Kabir though brought up by a low caste Muslim has attacked the orthodoxy of both Hindus and Muslims equally. To him Rama and Rahim are same. The followers are different but not the followed. Rama and Rahim are the expression of the same truth that man has experienced through ages. The experience is not bound by language, time and space. Man has come to realise the truth though ages. To this he has given the name God. Truth remains so, even if it is told in different languages. This perfectly fits in Kabir’s drctum that Rama and Rahim are I same.
Tulsidas wrote Ramayana during such a period when Hinduism was being branded as a decadent and obsolete faith one may put it in this way that Hinduism is actually no faith. Faith imports a dogmatic element with it. Either you believe in the existence God and accept so and so as his messenger or else you are a nonbeliever. There is noihing like this in Hinduism. This is why scholars have termed Hinduism as a way of life. As told earlier that Hinduism is the product of synthesis of various culture, tradition and religious beliefs based on close study of Nature and environment. Upanisads the Hindu scripture ordains peace everywhere on earth, in air, in vegetation and other words. This really is the recognition of universal peace. This is nothing but the existence of balanced environment where every small object plant or animal, gets recognition of its dignity in Nature. The Upanisads do speak of maintaining a balanced environment. Rama practices this in his life he shows respect to all big or small.
He is maryada purusottam. How many of us really ponder over this aspect of Rama’s character? How does this help one by simply reading the life of Rama and attributing godhood to him and worship him in temple does the statue of Rama however beautifully carved by the artist really mean anything? The statue is not the God; God in Rama is his good conduct, his qualifications and his proper deeds in society Avtars in human form are necessary. Ordinary people may not be able to comprehend the abstract part of god. Something in physical shape like him or like anything he understands can set an example for him.
Every avtar thus carries a message for the people. The message of justice, good deeds and conduct and harmony in the society. It is this message that forms the essence of avtar hood. I quote a theme from Rabindra nath Tagore’s poem. During Rathayatra festival lord jagannath goes in procession giving darshan to devotees.
The statue is placed on the decorated chariot that is pulled with dignity through street. The devotees prostrate before the statue on the street in ecstacy. The street thinks he is the God, the chariot think people are saluting him, the statue is proud that men and women are his devotees. Lo and see, the real God is amused within himself! The example has been cited to show how general public can be influenced easily.
The sentiment of people can be played with by any interested social group to suit their will. This is the real danger of ritualistic religion. Voices of dissent have been raised against this game since the evolution of religion itself. Kabir, Nanak, Ravidas, Nambeo are examples. Ritualistic religion cannot put any indelible mark in human mind. But the saints can. Here lies the necessity of spiritual interpretation of scriptures by wise people and not the ritualistic accretions in the name of religion. The hero of Ramayana combines in himself all good conducts and characters worth emulating by any society.
O, Brahmanishtha he along is an ascetic, an enlightened soul and a Brahmanishtha of the highest order, whose mind is bereft of temptation and ardent longing. Such men takes rest in a mind imbued with peace and consciousness. They are Parmahansa and Awadhoota. . ------- Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
As stated earlier Ramayana composed by Tulsidas has got wide acceptance in Indian society. The influence of Rama has been so much that villagers do greet one another by uttering Rama’s name. That is synonymous with Godly abode. He dispels evil.
One prays for the blessings of young Rama who plays in the courtyard of King Dasarath Lord Shiva, the embodiment of wisedom, compassion and benevolence worship Rama, the loving one. In the Adhyatma Ramayana shiva has described the essence and greatness of Rama to parvati. Shiva symbolises wisedom while parvati, his consort, devotion, bhakti. These two attributes are inseparable just as Shiva and Parvati. Shiva in his ecstatic state of mind puts parvati, the embodiment of devotion on his left lap.
Wisedom and devotion, inan and bhakti become one and the same. This may be the essence of sadhana. Wisedom defies birth and upbringing in the society. Lord shiva, the Great God, understands the essence of Rama, the unknown but joyful and loving one present in everything animate or inanimate in the universe. There is another who knows and enjoys the beauty of Rama’s name round the clock. He is the ugly looking grand old mythological crow, Kagbhusundi. He lives in Mansarovar, the lake of mind with crystal clear water. What is required to understand Rama, the universal one, the joyous and loving one is clean mind without any attributes? That is kagbhusundi. He is the seer of past, present and future. Shiva tells parvati of the greatness of kagbhusundi. In any society people with clean heart like kagbhusundi is known as saint. Surdas could feel the maughty childish deeds, Lila of young Krishna although the former was blind since birth. Surdas has described young Krishna, his attire, the minutest details of his childish pranks in his poem songs. Are physical eyes necessary to understand anything in depth? People with large. Beautiful eyes may not observe a thing properly. They may see but cannot understand. All of us have the Rama essence in us, but this in us remains always veiled. This aspect of existence has been described in our scriptures as illusion, maya, whose lord is Rama himself. He is also the repository of all illusions.
He is Mayapati and Mayadhar. No wander the source of solace and peace till he knows and feels the Rama essence in him. Who else other than Rama, the kind one, the one who dispels fear from all, and the loving one could kill Ravana, ignorant and the arrogant one? Rama lives in every heart. His essence is all pervading. He is without any beginning and end, without any beginning and end, without any attribute, physical or otherwise. His essence cannot be felt without his blessings.
He is thus unknown ajnata. Vedas, the scriptures of wisedom, have proclaimed there is no end to the unknown. The purush who in course of time has perhaps been transformed into Rama. Rama is great. He is kind. He gives boons to surrenders. Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram says. “Rama is one’s soul, atman, within oneself. Man when surrenders to himself gets the blessings of Rama who resides in his own soul. He is his Atmaram”. Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram continues “people often come to me for my blessings so that they can win over in the battle of life. They forget that before getting anything of that sort from me they should show pity and kindness to themselves they should recognise and show respect to Rama residing in them, their Atmaram.”
This saying of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram is the essence of the Ramayana. How many of us try to understand this truth. One should develop self confidence, because Atmaram is living in everybody. Lack of self confidence, amounts to showing disrespect to Rama, and one’s Atmaram. Man has tremendous potential in him. He generally does not recognise his own capacity to do good to himself. Until a man has not respect and confidence in himself, how he can guide others.
Sages of ancient India have lived in hermitage, ashram, and have not involved themselves in most of the wordly affairs. They have spent most of their time in contemplation for realising the ultimate. They have experienced within themselves existence of special powers in perfect harmony with forces in nature around them. They have developed their soul power, Atmika Shakti in a variety of ways. They have described various gods and goddesses. They have experience these forces in them and assigned forms, shapes and attributes. Our gods and goddesses do possess qualifications as we do. Some are full of compassion and do good to one and all. Some may be arrogant and short tempered. They may shower curses not blessings to any erring individual. Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram says, Gods and goddesses do not exist as extra terrestrial and as celescial ones one’s in some otherworld. We create them and assign such qualifications as we possess in us.” Once he put a question to the present author, ‘Sir, you are a Bengali. Your people worship Durga Devi each year with much fanfare. But who is this Durga?” After his long association with Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram the author knows that the former will give answer to his own question. Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram continues, “I think there is nobody like Durga, neither there was any in the past. When any society is dominated by people with evil souls and is ruled by dishonest persons, common as well as pious ones suffer. The god of evil force, the mahisasur, is born out of the evil deeds of the bad people. The virtuous, the pious and well meaning people who symbolise gods and goddesses are subjected to tyranny of the evil ones in society. When the right thinking people sit together, discuss, decide and resolve to suppress the evil forces their power of RESOUTION, samkalpa shakti, takes the form of During, the deliverer, the saviour and the protector “He goes on” I find the number of right thinking and benevolent people is rather few in society. Still there are some everywhere. They should come together, join hands, resolve and create a forum to fight evil forces of society. Durga the deliverer will be reincarnated.”
These sayings of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram has much meaning and relevance in modern society. People everywhere are always after quarrels on petty matters. They are so selfish that they refuse to understand reason. Until the society does not exist where will these evil intentioned people live.
Well intentioned people in every society should meet on a common platform as SHRI SARVESHWARI SAMOOH SAMSTHAM DEVASTHANAM to make firm resolution to fight the evil forces in society and encourage the better ones.
Ram living in all souls be invoked, Atmaram shall dominate the people. We may not be happy by sending our Rama in exile. The Rama essence be around in one and all. Common man may find it difficult to crystalise the Atmaram element in him. He requires someone who is enlightened, pious and benevolent. Who else other than a saint can do this? AGHORESHWAR BHAGWAN RAM is such a Saint.
He only is poor who is devoid of ‘Purushartha’. There is no impediment in the shelter of the ‘Ma-guru’ Self confidence alone is the foundation of successful life. It is only by abandoning the worldly discriminations that one gets the vision of the immortal divine light. The soul is indestructible and it is inevitable to bear the karmaphal (consequences of deeds done in the life). Therefore, you keep yourself engrossed in good deeds.
-------Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram, the spiritual giant of Varanasi, was a rare combination of spiritualism and social reformism. His organisation, Shri Sarveshwari Samooh Devasthanam, with the main ashram at padao, Varanasi, hospital where patients get free treatment mostly in ayurvedic system. The SSSD has been running schools also. Besides in India Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram have a number of branches of ashram in western countries ( Italy, U.S.A) also. He said that spiritualism is not isolated from society. Man is indebted to his parents country and the society he lives in. He can repay the debts of the first two but not the society. Society provides a man his food, shelter and security to the last. Man has to develop his conduct and behaviour in such a way that he becomes useful first to his family and then to the society. The message of building equal society free from exploitation is being given by him to all. According to him birth cannot inhibit a man from developing into an ideal person. Good conduct and deeds make a man useful to him and to all. The message of universal brotherhood not limited by political boundaries, language, race, caste and creed is the motto of his teaching.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010

Aghoreshwar vani
Aghoreswar’s vani related to women· The woman who, knowing that she is right yet still asking for forgiveness, she is a great soul.· In many villages and cities, because of their mistakes or misdeeds women are forced to leave their homes and live on the streets. If they stay at homes they have to endure beatings and violence; out on the road, then they have to bear with hardship. It is the duty of any saint or Mahatma to show kindness to such beings and free them from their frustrations. They should also protect them from those bad souls and people who lure away young women and make them do base acts. They should inspire all those weak human beings who come to them, who otherwise might be caught in a spider’s web. They is no generosity or kindness greater than this. They should be kind to them and say nice things to them so that those people can give up their weakness and be freed from their difficulties. They should inspire novice seekers, egotistical and shameless people towards higher acts. There is no worship greater than this. This is the greatest worship.· Why do women get old? Because of the cruelty of men.· I know I look like a prostitute. The man who still keeps staring at me should die [of shame].· To chastise again an already tormented woman is unbearable.· Sudharma! Look! Because of mere suspicion how many helpless women find their lives in danger?· Mother’s love is associated with the nectar of immortality [the is, her milk] right from the beginning. In that milk, water is not mixed. It is pure milk. There is life there, and that life itself is like her worship, her readings, her meditation, her contemplation, her prayer, and only that can free us from innumerable lives [rebirths].· Be the women of one’s own family or of another’s, from one’s neighbourhood or from the fields, people always fight over them. That is why one should not be too talkative with them. They are respectable; we respect them. We give them a position of reverence. Friends, respect them.· We have unfathomable respect and reverence for the whole of women kind. Our organization has always made efforts towards their upliftment. Right from its inception, many projects for the upliftment of women’s were started among the programmes of Sri Sarveshwari Samooh. Against the demon of dowry, on whose sacrificed altar hundreds of thousands of women have been sacrificed, and because of which women have had to suffer through disharmonious marriages and suffer through them even today, since the very beginning have we wages our struggle, and in this we’ve met more success than we expected. In addition, widow remarriage and many other programmes are supported by our organization. Our will towards women’s welfare and the respect and reverence we feel towards them is evident from the name of this organization (‘‘Sri· Sarveshwari Samooh’’) which is in the very form of a woman’s name. We hold them in a position of reverence. I am very proud to be the chairperson of such an organization.· For a family to develop and stay united, the most important role is played by women. But it is sad that, due to the narrow thinking produced by the pressures of martial values and desires, mothers today are not effective in properly fulfilling this role. When I see them neglecting the harmonious values of Indian culture, and blindly copying the misleading, superficial, grotesque and glitzy aspects of western civilization, and my mind becomes full of sorrow and due to deep agony against my own wishes, I become forced to criticize their behaviour. Even behind my criticism lies the sentiment of their welfare and progress because I want to see them revered, which is not possible without good behaviour and conduct.· The unique joint family system is breaking up very quickly today because of the narrow mindedness of women. The men folk, faced with their stubborn mentality, find themselves helpless and are compelled to merely watch and bemoan the sad and painful sight of the diminution of the family.· Nari [‘woman, vein, artery, water channel’] is the one responsible for everything be it of the neighbourhood or of the home. Be it of the field or of the residential street. Be it of the urinary tract or of the Mahabharata. It is because of Nari that everything ever happened, and happens even today. To cleanse this Nari[i.e., this vein] is also known as tapasya (disciplined, austere practice), the practice before which even the practice before which even the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva bow down and are forced to give their blessing. But, having received these blessings, people would force them to leave the earth and return to the havens.· Woman should have due affection, respect and a friendly demeanour towards all elder and younger members of the family lest those people begin to harbour bad feelings and chastise them. To the best of their ability, women should give them milk if they ask for water, because a mother always gives milk. The woman who does not do this gets into a [social] situation as bad as any hell.· Gurus have said to their disciples that all are to be revered, but you should also surely revere you mother be she your earthly mother, or your mother of the sky and space. She from whom you expect milk, food and water, you can address as your mother.· A woman should look at her husband’s younger brother as her father if he is elder to her, or as her husband’s friend, if he is younger. Looking at them with other sentiments creates misleading ideas, and an uncertain condition is produced which can lead to a negative result.· A husband should also treat his mother once their children cross the age of ten. Behaving with her as a mere wife can lead to an imbalance in behaviour and conduct.· It should be explained to women that they have not discharged their duties simply by feeding their children or by giving them milk. It is their great duty to fill their children with sentiments of friendship, to give them good ideas to make them capable of doing things, and to inspire them to keep the company of good and wish people and to avoid negative person, they should be careful not to call their children there at that time. To disregard this gives rise to great sorrows.· During the period of their pregnancy women should not read negative and hostile literature. They should not wear dirty clothes, and they should not roam around the marketplace too much. They should not keep the company of negative people, nor should they discuss their actions. All these can have a bad effect on the baby in the womb. Their diet should be balanced and regular. Keeping the company of peaceful, accomplished and polite women, they should cultivate a feeling of friendliness towards everyone. In that condition, they should not worship the icons of demigods like kali, Durga or Vishnu who are depicted as carrying weapons. They should also not look at those pictures of demigods that encourage the tendency towards violence. If pregnant women look at pictures of friendliness or at pictures that inspire friendliness then it will have a good effect on the baby in the womb and it will have the capability to bring friendliness to everyone.· The five elements and their 25 tendencies are also represented in the form of women. When we elevate ourselves over those elements, our mind will find itself regard them so in our worship. They always remain a source of attraction for every being.· Women who use vermilion are a symbol of strength. After sunset, vermilion is never given outside the house hold. Wise shopkeepers also don’t sell it after sunset because it also represents lakshmi (the goddess of wealth). While the sun is setting, even then it isn’t shared from one house to another. Doing so means that now i am about to lost my loved one, my respected one, my hundred or my deity.· Before their husband or in front of anyone else, a woman should not stand with her hair open or without putting on vermilion, because it weakness their aura, their everything. Then their mind gets befuddled, they become angry, and because of this mentality of theirs, they destroy their family.· Men whose wives’ have a good conduct who use vermilion, who wear the sacred wedding thread, who cover their head and who wear bangles before their husbands they are very fortunate. They receive respect everywhere. They have good friends and well wishers. They are invited everywhere and they gain every position and much prestige. Their children, and whole family, everybody stays happy.· The mentality of the women of our house has a deep influence on our life and our way of acting; thus, we should definitely try to observe them, to contemplate them and to understand them. We should certainly consider whether their mentality is destroying us, or putting us on such a negative path that the next generations will absolutely forget us. We must judge whether, blunted by their blows, in a state of social unconsciousness, we are about to give the hand of our precious daughter like a goddess, and replete with potential into the hands of some wicked, tailless beast man, tinted by so called modernity, believing in every kind of destruction. We must definitely consider whether, influenced by their narrow mentalities, we are neglecting our duties and responsibilities towards our aged parents, to the windows in the family, or to helpless women in the neighbourhood, thereby generating agonized minds which burn down and destroy homes, families, and block after block of communities.· More important than your prayers and worship, meditation and contemplation in your life is your sense of responsibility and duty towards women, and its skilful performance. If you pay no attention to it, you will slowly destroy yourself. Your mind will stay contaminated. You will stay frightened and, having neglected them [women], your vision will become weak; your mind intellect and physical health will also deteriorate, for their agonies will also influence you. You will lose all your happiness and peace and, despite having all luxuries, you will not be able to use them in peace.· Friends! You will have to learn to respect and revere the women in your own home. Because these women expect security, welfare and proper guidance from you men folk, your responsibilities towards them grow even greater. There is no pilgrimage or divine vision greater than your sense of responsibility and fulfilment of your duties towards them.· In many families and homes, the neglect of their old women and widows engenders household misery, and their thoughts then begin to destroy that home. Their weeping and speech then grows frightening in the family, like the sound of a bird of prey at night. Many inauspicious signs and symbols of destruction begin to appear in the home from which only the guru’s idol, the remembrance of great souls, and one’s own stability gives protection. Our agitation can take us on a very wrong path.· There are many villages and communities whole women stray very far away from good thoughts and good sentiments. Their life is so cursed that it is hard to say what lies behind it.· Because of being deprived of the amenities of toilets or protected places for such purposes, women who have to go in the fields or by roadside to relieve themselves often become sick from shame, fear, hesitation and the undesirable sentiments and malevolent eyes of negative people, for then they cannot relieve themselves in a timely manner. Their temperament also becomes irritable and their mentality becomes acrimonious.· There are deadly consequences to women letting their hair loose. Keeping their hair loose before their husbands over the course of a few days is equivalent to putting them to sleep forever. Sometimes they are forced to urinate in the cowshed, and that too has deadly and inauspicious consequences for their husbands. Such unnatural actions of women can be very negative for their husbands, sons and dear ones. People of the family begin to lose face. Food becomes distasteful in that family.· Many of the problems that arise in front of you might be cause by the influence of the mentality of women. If their balance is maintained is then, wherever they be their breath and the vibrations of their body will protect you like an electrical fired. As opposed to this, the bodily vibrations that arise from polluted minds, thoughts and sentiments will not save you from any evil fate.· Our country is addressed as a mother [Mother India]. Not every country in the world is addressed as the mother. Those geographical areas are unique. In the same way, our home is addressed in the name of the mother. Home and family are that lap of the mother in which we find great rest, happiness and peace.· The word Nari is a word full of controversy. Whether it concern the Sita of the Ramayana, or draupadi of the Mahabharata, or Belwa, or any other woman controversies, arise because of them. These women aside, brothers quickly rise to fight with each other because of the women in the house. Leave those women aside, too: people become ready to behead each other because of the women in the field’s people become ready to kill each other. Whoever dies like this has no value.· There are many women in our prayers and worship as well.· If we do not have pure feelings towards women then this mentality can destroy us. But if pure feelings towards them arise in us, then understand that even the most difficult of our tasks will be successful. If you strive to see them on the road to happiness, with their heads covered, with all their makeup, and if they look at you even ones as if you were their son, all your work is done.· If the mentalities of a husband and wife are negative, this will have a bad effect on their children, and this mentality will destroy them. They will not succeed in their tasks.· I can gauge how united are the women by looking at the vermilion on their forehead. Those women of our homes wearing vermilion show that they are united. Joining one their one they are not two but become eleven. This is how you can recognize them. Those who do not have vermilion on their head appear available for everyone. They are dear to everyone. Those who wear vermilion are the bride of the of the lineage, and on looking at them you feel as if they are the revered divinity of the lineage. Salute them, express respect to them within; all this amounts to a worship and prayer of the mother Goddess. This is also one way to progress on the path of your practice.
Aghoreswar’s vani related to women· The woman who, knowing that she is right yet still asking for forgiveness, she is a great soul.· In many villages and cities, because of their mistakes or misdeeds women are forced to leave their homes and live on the streets. If they stay at homes they have to endure beatings and violence; out on the road, then they have to bear with hardship. It is the duty of any saint or Mahatma to show kindness to such beings and free them from their frustrations. They should also protect them from those bad souls and people who lure away young women and make them do base acts. They should inspire all those weak human beings who come to them, who otherwise might be caught in a spider’s web. They is no generosity or kindness greater than this. They should be kind to them and say nice things to them so that those people can give up their weakness and be freed from their difficulties. They should inspire novice seekers, egotistical and shameless people towards higher acts. There is no worship greater than this. This is the greatest worship.· Why do women get old? Because of the cruelty of men.· I know I look like a prostitute. The man who still keeps staring at me should die [of shame].· To chastise again an already tormented woman is unbearable.· Sudharma! Look! Because of mere suspicion how many helpless women find their lives in danger?· Mother’s love is associated with the nectar of immortality [the is, her milk] right from the beginning. In that milk, water is not mixed. It is pure milk. There is life there, and that life itself is like her worship, her readings, her meditation, her contemplation, her prayer, and only that can free us from innumerable lives [rebirths].· Be the women of one’s own family or of another’s, from one’s neighbourhood or from the fields, people always fight over them. That is why one should not be too talkative with them. They are respectable; we respect them. We give them a position of reverence. Friends, respect them.· We have unfathomable respect and reverence for the whole of women kind. Our organization has always made efforts towards their upliftment. Right from its inception, many projects for the upliftment of women’s were started among the programmes of Sri Sarveshwari Samooh. Against the demon of dowry, on whose sacrificed altar hundreds of thousands of women have been sacrificed, and because of which women have had to suffer through disharmonious marriages and suffer through them even today, since the very beginning have we wages our struggle, and in this we’ve met more success than we expected. In addition, widow remarriage and many other programmes are supported by our organization. Our will towards women’s welfare and the respect and reverence we feel towards them is evident from the name of this organization (‘‘Sri· Sarveshwari Samooh’’) which is in the very form of a woman’s name. We hold them in a position of reverence. I am very proud to be the chairperson of such an organization.· For a family to develop and stay united, the most important role is played by women. But it is sad that, due to the narrow thinking produced by the pressures of martial values and desires, mothers today are not effective in properly fulfilling this role. When I see them neglecting the harmonious values of Indian culture, and blindly copying the misleading, superficial, grotesque and glitzy aspects of western civilization, and my mind becomes full of sorrow and due to deep agony against my own wishes, I become forced to criticize their behaviour. Even behind my criticism lies the sentiment of their welfare and progress because I want to see them revered, which is not possible without good behaviour and conduct.· The unique joint family system is breaking up very quickly today because of the narrow mindedness of women. The men folk, faced with their stubborn mentality, find themselves helpless and are compelled to merely watch and bemoan the sad and painful sight of the diminution of the family.· Nari [‘woman, vein, artery, water channel’] is the one responsible for everything be it of the neighbourhood or of the home. Be it of the field or of the residential street. Be it of the urinary tract or of the Mahabharata. It is because of Nari that everything ever happened, and happens even today. To cleanse this Nari[i.e., this vein] is also known as tapasya (disciplined, austere practice), the practice before which even the practice before which even the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva bow down and are forced to give their blessing. But, having received these blessings, people would force them to leave the earth and return to the havens.· Woman should have due affection, respect and a friendly demeanour towards all elder and younger members of the family lest those people begin to harbour bad feelings and chastise them. To the best of their ability, women should give them milk if they ask for water, because a mother always gives milk. The woman who does not do this gets into a [social] situation as bad as any hell.· Gurus have said to their disciples that all are to be revered, but you should also surely revere you mother be she your earthly mother, or your mother of the sky and space. She from whom you expect milk, food and water, you can address as your mother.· A woman should look at her husband’s younger brother as her father if he is elder to her, or as her husband’s friend, if he is younger. Looking at them with other sentiments creates misleading ideas, and an uncertain condition is produced which can lead to a negative result.· A husband should also treat his mother once their children cross the age of ten. Behaving with her as a mere wife can lead to an imbalance in behaviour and conduct.· It should be explained to women that they have not discharged their duties simply by feeding their children or by giving them milk. It is their great duty to fill their children with sentiments of friendship, to give them good ideas to make them capable of doing things, and to inspire them to keep the company of good and wish people and to avoid negative person, they should be careful not to call their children there at that time. To disregard this gives rise to great sorrows.· During the period of their pregnancy women should not read negative and hostile literature. They should not wear dirty clothes, and they should not roam around the marketplace too much. They should not keep the company of negative people, nor should they discuss their actions. All these can have a bad effect on the baby in the womb. Their diet should be balanced and regular. Keeping the company of peaceful, accomplished and polite women, they should cultivate a feeling of friendliness towards everyone. In that condition, they should not worship the icons of demigods like kali, Durga or Vishnu who are depicted as carrying weapons. They should also not look at those pictures of demigods that encourage the tendency towards violence. If pregnant women look at pictures of friendliness or at pictures that inspire friendliness then it will have a good effect on the baby in the womb and it will have the capability to bring friendliness to everyone.· The five elements and their 25 tendencies are also represented in the form of women. When we elevate ourselves over those elements, our mind will find itself regard them so in our worship. They always remain a source of attraction for every being.· Women who use vermilion are a symbol of strength. After sunset, vermilion is never given outside the house hold. Wise shopkeepers also don’t sell it after sunset because it also represents lakshmi (the goddess of wealth). While the sun is setting, even then it isn’t shared from one house to another. Doing so means that now i am about to lost my loved one, my respected one, my hundred or my deity.· Before their husband or in front of anyone else, a woman should not stand with her hair open or without putting on vermilion, because it weakness their aura, their everything. Then their mind gets befuddled, they become angry, and because of this mentality of theirs, they destroy their family.· Men whose wives’ have a good conduct who use vermilion, who wear the sacred wedding thread, who cover their head and who wear bangles before their husbands they are very fortunate. They receive respect everywhere. They have good friends and well wishers. They are invited everywhere and they gain every position and much prestige. Their children, and whole family, everybody stays happy.· The mentality of the women of our house has a deep influence on our life and our way of acting; thus, we should definitely try to observe them, to contemplate them and to understand them. We should certainly consider whether their mentality is destroying us, or putting us on such a negative path that the next generations will absolutely forget us. We must judge whether, blunted by their blows, in a state of social unconsciousness, we are about to give the hand of our precious daughter like a goddess, and replete with potential into the hands of some wicked, tailless beast man, tinted by so called modernity, believing in every kind of destruction. We must definitely consider whether, influenced by their narrow mentalities, we are neglecting our duties and responsibilities towards our aged parents, to the windows in the family, or to helpless women in the neighbourhood, thereby generating agonized minds which burn down and destroy homes, families, and block after block of communities.· More important than your prayers and worship, meditation and contemplation in your life is your sense of responsibility and duty towards women, and its skilful performance. If you pay no attention to it, you will slowly destroy yourself. Your mind will stay contaminated. You will stay frightened and, having neglected them [women], your vision will become weak; your mind intellect and physical health will also deteriorate, for their agonies will also influence you. You will lose all your happiness and peace and, despite having all luxuries, you will not be able to use them in peace.· Friends! You will have to learn to respect and revere the women in your own home. Because these women expect security, welfare and proper guidance from you men folk, your responsibilities towards them grow even greater. There is no pilgrimage or divine vision greater than your sense of responsibility and fulfilment of your duties towards them.· In many families and homes, the neglect of their old women and widows engenders household misery, and their thoughts then begin to destroy that home. Their weeping and speech then grows frightening in the family, like the sound of a bird of prey at night. Many inauspicious signs and symbols of destruction begin to appear in the home from which only the guru’s idol, the remembrance of great souls, and one’s own stability gives protection. Our agitation can take us on a very wrong path.· There are many villages and communities whole women stray very far away from good thoughts and good sentiments. Their life is so cursed that it is hard to say what lies behind it.· Because of being deprived of the amenities of toilets or protected places for such purposes, women who have to go in the fields or by roadside to relieve themselves often become sick from shame, fear, hesitation and the undesirable sentiments and malevolent eyes of negative people, for then they cannot relieve themselves in a timely manner. Their temperament also becomes irritable and their mentality becomes acrimonious.· There are deadly consequences to women letting their hair loose. Keeping their hair loose before their husbands over the course of a few days is equivalent to putting them to sleep forever. Sometimes they are forced to urinate in the cowshed, and that too has deadly and inauspicious consequences for their husbands. Such unnatural actions of women can be very negative for their husbands, sons and dear ones. People of the family begin to lose face. Food becomes distasteful in that family.· Many of the problems that arise in front of you might be cause by the influence of the mentality of women. If their balance is maintained is then, wherever they be their breath and the vibrations of their body will protect you like an electrical fired. As opposed to this, the bodily vibrations that arise from polluted minds, thoughts and sentiments will not save you from any evil fate.· Our country is addressed as a mother [Mother India]. Not every country in the world is addressed as the mother. Those geographical areas are unique. In the same way, our home is addressed in the name of the mother. Home and family are that lap of the mother in which we find great rest, happiness and peace.· The word Nari is a word full of controversy. Whether it concern the Sita of the Ramayana, or draupadi of the Mahabharata, or Belwa, or any other woman controversies, arise because of them. These women aside, brothers quickly rise to fight with each other because of the women in the house. Leave those women aside, too: people become ready to behead each other because of the women in the field’s people become ready to kill each other. Whoever dies like this has no value.· There are many women in our prayers and worship as well.· If we do not have pure feelings towards women then this mentality can destroy us. But if pure feelings towards them arise in us, then understand that even the most difficult of our tasks will be successful. If you strive to see them on the road to happiness, with their heads covered, with all their makeup, and if they look at you even ones as if you were their son, all your work is done.· If the mentalities of a husband and wife are negative, this will have a bad effect on their children, and this mentality will destroy them. They will not succeed in their tasks.· I can gauge how united are the women by looking at the vermilion on their forehead. Those women of our homes wearing vermilion show that they are united. Joining one their one they are not two but become eleven. This is how you can recognize them. Those who do not have vermilion on their head appear available for everyone. They are dear to everyone. Those who wear vermilion are the bride of the of the lineage, and on looking at them you feel as if they are the revered divinity of the lineage. Salute them, express respect to them within; all this amounts to a worship and prayer of the mother Goddess. This is also one way to progress on the path of your practice.
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Avadhoot Mangal Dhan Ram Baba
Avadhoot Mangaldhan Ram baba is the disciple of the Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram baba's first disciple Kapaleshwar Singha Shawak Ram Baba. Avadhoot baba was born by the blessings of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram as his parents were the disciple of Aghoreshwar. Avadhoot baba was very lucky to recieve the blessings from Maa Maitrayanee Yogini and Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram before their Mahanirvana. Both of them blessed him in special manner which can be described by Avadhoot Mangaldhan Ram baba himself. He has been sent by his Kapaleshwar Guru baba to Nepal for welfare of the society of Nepal where Aghors concepts been taken as the tantric only by the society. Avadhoot mangaldhanram baba was now in his 14 years of stay in Nepal made the society clear image that in the reality the Aghors are the 'Tatwa Gyani' and they can not even dream of any distruction to any living creature. They are soul who always think about others benefit. By the establishment of the three organisations and building the Ashrams in Nepal's various places he has proved the Aghors attitude towards the society and has established the 'Guru-Sishya Tradition' in Nepal.
Avadhoot Mangaldhan Ram baba is the disciple of the Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram baba's first disciple Kapaleshwar Singha Shawak Ram Baba. Avadhoot baba was born by the blessings of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram as his parents were the disciple of Aghoreshwar. Avadhoot baba was very lucky to recieve the blessings from Maa Maitrayanee Yogini and Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram before their Mahanirvana. Both of them blessed him in special manner which can be described by Avadhoot Mangaldhan Ram baba himself. He has been sent by his Kapaleshwar Guru baba to Nepal for welfare of the society of Nepal where Aghors concepts been taken as the tantric only by the society. Avadhoot mangaldhanram baba was now in his 14 years of stay in Nepal made the society clear image that in the reality the Aghors are the 'Tatwa Gyani' and they can not even dream of any distruction to any living creature. They are soul who always think about others benefit. By the establishment of the three organisations and building the Ashrams in Nepal's various places he has proved the Aghors attitude towards the society and has established the 'Guru-Sishya Tradition' in Nepal.
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