Aghoreshwar vani
Aghoreswar’s vani related to women· The woman who, knowing that she is right yet still asking for forgiveness, she is a great soul.· In many villages and cities, because of their mistakes or misdeeds women are forced to leave their homes and live on the streets. If they stay at homes they have to endure beatings and violence; out on the road, then they have to bear with hardship. It is the duty of any saint or Mahatma to show kindness to such beings and free them from their frustrations. They should also protect them from those bad souls and people who lure away young women and make them do base acts. They should inspire all those weak human beings who come to them, who otherwise might be caught in a spider’s web. They is no generosity or kindness greater than this. They should be kind to them and say nice things to them so that those people can give up their weakness and be freed from their difficulties. They should inspire novice seekers, egotistical and shameless people towards higher acts. There is no worship greater than this. This is the greatest worship.· Why do women get old? Because of the cruelty of men.· I know I look like a prostitute. The man who still keeps staring at me should die [of shame].· To chastise again an already tormented woman is unbearable.· Sudharma! Look! Because of mere suspicion how many helpless women find their lives in danger?· Mother’s love is associated with the nectar of immortality [the is, her milk] right from the beginning. In that milk, water is not mixed. It is pure milk. There is life there, and that life itself is like her worship, her readings, her meditation, her contemplation, her prayer, and only that can free us from innumerable lives [rebirths].· Be the women of one’s own family or of another’s, from one’s neighbourhood or from the fields, people always fight over them. That is why one should not be too talkative with them. They are respectable; we respect them. We give them a position of reverence. Friends, respect them.· We have unfathomable respect and reverence for the whole of women kind. Our organization has always made efforts towards their upliftment. Right from its inception, many projects for the upliftment of women’s were started among the programmes of Sri Sarveshwari Samooh. Against the demon of dowry, on whose sacrificed altar hundreds of thousands of women have been sacrificed, and because of which women have had to suffer through disharmonious marriages and suffer through them even today, since the very beginning have we wages our struggle, and in this we’ve met more success than we expected. In addition, widow remarriage and many other programmes are supported by our organization. Our will towards women’s welfare and the respect and reverence we feel towards them is evident from the name of this organization (‘‘Sri· Sarveshwari Samooh’’) which is in the very form of a woman’s name. We hold them in a position of reverence. I am very proud to be the chairperson of such an organization.· For a family to develop and stay united, the most important role is played by women. But it is sad that, due to the narrow thinking produced by the pressures of martial values and desires, mothers today are not effective in properly fulfilling this role. When I see them neglecting the harmonious values of Indian culture, and blindly copying the misleading, superficial, grotesque and glitzy aspects of western civilization, and my mind becomes full of sorrow and due to deep agony against my own wishes, I become forced to criticize their behaviour. Even behind my criticism lies the sentiment of their welfare and progress because I want to see them revered, which is not possible without good behaviour and conduct.· The unique joint family system is breaking up very quickly today because of the narrow mindedness of women. The men folk, faced with their stubborn mentality, find themselves helpless and are compelled to merely watch and bemoan the sad and painful sight of the diminution of the family.· Nari [‘woman, vein, artery, water channel’] is the one responsible for everything be it of the neighbourhood or of the home. Be it of the field or of the residential street. Be it of the urinary tract or of the Mahabharata. It is because of Nari that everything ever happened, and happens even today. To cleanse this Nari[i.e., this vein] is also known as tapasya (disciplined, austere practice), the practice before which even the practice before which even the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva bow down and are forced to give their blessing. But, having received these blessings, people would force them to leave the earth and return to the havens.· Woman should have due affection, respect and a friendly demeanour towards all elder and younger members of the family lest those people begin to harbour bad feelings and chastise them. To the best of their ability, women should give them milk if they ask for water, because a mother always gives milk. The woman who does not do this gets into a [social] situation as bad as any hell.· Gurus have said to their disciples that all are to be revered, but you should also surely revere you mother be she your earthly mother, or your mother of the sky and space. She from whom you expect milk, food and water, you can address as your mother.· A woman should look at her husband’s younger brother as her father if he is elder to her, or as her husband’s friend, if he is younger. Looking at them with other sentiments creates misleading ideas, and an uncertain condition is produced which can lead to a negative result.· A husband should also treat his mother once their children cross the age of ten. Behaving with her as a mere wife can lead to an imbalance in behaviour and conduct.· It should be explained to women that they have not discharged their duties simply by feeding their children or by giving them milk. It is their great duty to fill their children with sentiments of friendship, to give them good ideas to make them capable of doing things, and to inspire them to keep the company of good and wish people and to avoid negative person, they should be careful not to call their children there at that time. To disregard this gives rise to great sorrows.· During the period of their pregnancy women should not read negative and hostile literature. They should not wear dirty clothes, and they should not roam around the marketplace too much. They should not keep the company of negative people, nor should they discuss their actions. All these can have a bad effect on the baby in the womb. Their diet should be balanced and regular. Keeping the company of peaceful, accomplished and polite women, they should cultivate a feeling of friendliness towards everyone. In that condition, they should not worship the icons of demigods like kali, Durga or Vishnu who are depicted as carrying weapons. They should also not look at those pictures of demigods that encourage the tendency towards violence. If pregnant women look at pictures of friendliness or at pictures that inspire friendliness then it will have a good effect on the baby in the womb and it will have the capability to bring friendliness to everyone.· The five elements and their 25 tendencies are also represented in the form of women. When we elevate ourselves over those elements, our mind will find itself regard them so in our worship. They always remain a source of attraction for every being.· Women who use vermilion are a symbol of strength. After sunset, vermilion is never given outside the house hold. Wise shopkeepers also don’t sell it after sunset because it also represents lakshmi (the goddess of wealth). While the sun is setting, even then it isn’t shared from one house to another. Doing so means that now i am about to lost my loved one, my respected one, my hundred or my deity.· Before their husband or in front of anyone else, a woman should not stand with her hair open or without putting on vermilion, because it weakness their aura, their everything. Then their mind gets befuddled, they become angry, and because of this mentality of theirs, they destroy their family.· Men whose wives’ have a good conduct who use vermilion, who wear the sacred wedding thread, who cover their head and who wear bangles before their husbands they are very fortunate. They receive respect everywhere. They have good friends and well wishers. They are invited everywhere and they gain every position and much prestige. Their children, and whole family, everybody stays happy.· The mentality of the women of our house has a deep influence on our life and our way of acting; thus, we should definitely try to observe them, to contemplate them and to understand them. We should certainly consider whether their mentality is destroying us, or putting us on such a negative path that the next generations will absolutely forget us. We must judge whether, blunted by their blows, in a state of social unconsciousness, we are about to give the hand of our precious daughter like a goddess, and replete with potential into the hands of some wicked, tailless beast man, tinted by so called modernity, believing in every kind of destruction. We must definitely consider whether, influenced by their narrow mentalities, we are neglecting our duties and responsibilities towards our aged parents, to the windows in the family, or to helpless women in the neighbourhood, thereby generating agonized minds which burn down and destroy homes, families, and block after block of communities.· More important than your prayers and worship, meditation and contemplation in your life is your sense of responsibility and duty towards women, and its skilful performance. If you pay no attention to it, you will slowly destroy yourself. Your mind will stay contaminated. You will stay frightened and, having neglected them [women], your vision will become weak; your mind intellect and physical health will also deteriorate, for their agonies will also influence you. You will lose all your happiness and peace and, despite having all luxuries, you will not be able to use them in peace.· Friends! You will have to learn to respect and revere the women in your own home. Because these women expect security, welfare and proper guidance from you men folk, your responsibilities towards them grow even greater. There is no pilgrimage or divine vision greater than your sense of responsibility and fulfilment of your duties towards them.· In many families and homes, the neglect of their old women and widows engenders household misery, and their thoughts then begin to destroy that home. Their weeping and speech then grows frightening in the family, like the sound of a bird of prey at night. Many inauspicious signs and symbols of destruction begin to appear in the home from which only the guru’s idol, the remembrance of great souls, and one’s own stability gives protection. Our agitation can take us on a very wrong path.· There are many villages and communities whole women stray very far away from good thoughts and good sentiments. Their life is so cursed that it is hard to say what lies behind it.· Because of being deprived of the amenities of toilets or protected places for such purposes, women who have to go in the fields or by roadside to relieve themselves often become sick from shame, fear, hesitation and the undesirable sentiments and malevolent eyes of negative people, for then they cannot relieve themselves in a timely manner. Their temperament also becomes irritable and their mentality becomes acrimonious.· There are deadly consequences to women letting their hair loose. Keeping their hair loose before their husbands over the course of a few days is equivalent to putting them to sleep forever. Sometimes they are forced to urinate in the cowshed, and that too has deadly and inauspicious consequences for their husbands. Such unnatural actions of women can be very negative for their husbands, sons and dear ones. People of the family begin to lose face. Food becomes distasteful in that family.· Many of the problems that arise in front of you might be cause by the influence of the mentality of women. If their balance is maintained is then, wherever they be their breath and the vibrations of their body will protect you like an electrical fired. As opposed to this, the bodily vibrations that arise from polluted minds, thoughts and sentiments will not save you from any evil fate.· Our country is addressed as a mother [Mother India]. Not every country in the world is addressed as the mother. Those geographical areas are unique. In the same way, our home is addressed in the name of the mother. Home and family are that lap of the mother in which we find great rest, happiness and peace.· The word Nari is a word full of controversy. Whether it concern the Sita of the Ramayana, or draupadi of the Mahabharata, or Belwa, or any other woman controversies, arise because of them. These women aside, brothers quickly rise to fight with each other because of the women in the house. Leave those women aside, too: people become ready to behead each other because of the women in the field’s people become ready to kill each other. Whoever dies like this has no value.· There are many women in our prayers and worship as well.· If we do not have pure feelings towards women then this mentality can destroy us. But if pure feelings towards them arise in us, then understand that even the most difficult of our tasks will be successful. If you strive to see them on the road to happiness, with their heads covered, with all their makeup, and if they look at you even ones as if you were their son, all your work is done.· If the mentalities of a husband and wife are negative, this will have a bad effect on their children, and this mentality will destroy them. They will not succeed in their tasks.· I can gauge how united are the women by looking at the vermilion on their forehead. Those women of our homes wearing vermilion show that they are united. Joining one their one they are not two but become eleven. This is how you can recognize them. Those who do not have vermilion on their head appear available for everyone. They are dear to everyone. Those who wear vermilion are the bride of the of the lineage, and on looking at them you feel as if they are the revered divinity of the lineage. Salute them, express respect to them within; all this amounts to a worship and prayer of the mother Goddess. This is also one way to progress on the path of your practice.
Aghoreswar’s vani related to women· The woman who, knowing that she is right yet still asking for forgiveness, she is a great soul.· In many villages and cities, because of their mistakes or misdeeds women are forced to leave their homes and live on the streets. If they stay at homes they have to endure beatings and violence; out on the road, then they have to bear with hardship. It is the duty of any saint or Mahatma to show kindness to such beings and free them from their frustrations. They should also protect them from those bad souls and people who lure away young women and make them do base acts. They should inspire all those weak human beings who come to them, who otherwise might be caught in a spider’s web. They is no generosity or kindness greater than this. They should be kind to them and say nice things to them so that those people can give up their weakness and be freed from their difficulties. They should inspire novice seekers, egotistical and shameless people towards higher acts. There is no worship greater than this. This is the greatest worship.· Why do women get old? Because of the cruelty of men.· I know I look like a prostitute. The man who still keeps staring at me should die [of shame].· To chastise again an already tormented woman is unbearable.· Sudharma! Look! Because of mere suspicion how many helpless women find their lives in danger?· Mother’s love is associated with the nectar of immortality [the is, her milk] right from the beginning. In that milk, water is not mixed. It is pure milk. There is life there, and that life itself is like her worship, her readings, her meditation, her contemplation, her prayer, and only that can free us from innumerable lives [rebirths].· Be the women of one’s own family or of another’s, from one’s neighbourhood or from the fields, people always fight over them. That is why one should not be too talkative with them. They are respectable; we respect them. We give them a position of reverence. Friends, respect them.· We have unfathomable respect and reverence for the whole of women kind. Our organization has always made efforts towards their upliftment. Right from its inception, many projects for the upliftment of women’s were started among the programmes of Sri Sarveshwari Samooh. Against the demon of dowry, on whose sacrificed altar hundreds of thousands of women have been sacrificed, and because of which women have had to suffer through disharmonious marriages and suffer through them even today, since the very beginning have we wages our struggle, and in this we’ve met more success than we expected. In addition, widow remarriage and many other programmes are supported by our organization. Our will towards women’s welfare and the respect and reverence we feel towards them is evident from the name of this organization (‘‘Sri· Sarveshwari Samooh’’) which is in the very form of a woman’s name. We hold them in a position of reverence. I am very proud to be the chairperson of such an organization.· For a family to develop and stay united, the most important role is played by women. But it is sad that, due to the narrow thinking produced by the pressures of martial values and desires, mothers today are not effective in properly fulfilling this role. When I see them neglecting the harmonious values of Indian culture, and blindly copying the misleading, superficial, grotesque and glitzy aspects of western civilization, and my mind becomes full of sorrow and due to deep agony against my own wishes, I become forced to criticize their behaviour. Even behind my criticism lies the sentiment of their welfare and progress because I want to see them revered, which is not possible without good behaviour and conduct.· The unique joint family system is breaking up very quickly today because of the narrow mindedness of women. The men folk, faced with their stubborn mentality, find themselves helpless and are compelled to merely watch and bemoan the sad and painful sight of the diminution of the family.· Nari [‘woman, vein, artery, water channel’] is the one responsible for everything be it of the neighbourhood or of the home. Be it of the field or of the residential street. Be it of the urinary tract or of the Mahabharata. It is because of Nari that everything ever happened, and happens even today. To cleanse this Nari[i.e., this vein] is also known as tapasya (disciplined, austere practice), the practice before which even the practice before which even the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva bow down and are forced to give their blessing. But, having received these blessings, people would force them to leave the earth and return to the havens.· Woman should have due affection, respect and a friendly demeanour towards all elder and younger members of the family lest those people begin to harbour bad feelings and chastise them. To the best of their ability, women should give them milk if they ask for water, because a mother always gives milk. The woman who does not do this gets into a [social] situation as bad as any hell.· Gurus have said to their disciples that all are to be revered, but you should also surely revere you mother be she your earthly mother, or your mother of the sky and space. She from whom you expect milk, food and water, you can address as your mother.· A woman should look at her husband’s younger brother as her father if he is elder to her, or as her husband’s friend, if he is younger. Looking at them with other sentiments creates misleading ideas, and an uncertain condition is produced which can lead to a negative result.· A husband should also treat his mother once their children cross the age of ten. Behaving with her as a mere wife can lead to an imbalance in behaviour and conduct.· It should be explained to women that they have not discharged their duties simply by feeding their children or by giving them milk. It is their great duty to fill their children with sentiments of friendship, to give them good ideas to make them capable of doing things, and to inspire them to keep the company of good and wish people and to avoid negative person, they should be careful not to call their children there at that time. To disregard this gives rise to great sorrows.· During the period of their pregnancy women should not read negative and hostile literature. They should not wear dirty clothes, and they should not roam around the marketplace too much. They should not keep the company of negative people, nor should they discuss their actions. All these can have a bad effect on the baby in the womb. Their diet should be balanced and regular. Keeping the company of peaceful, accomplished and polite women, they should cultivate a feeling of friendliness towards everyone. In that condition, they should not worship the icons of demigods like kali, Durga or Vishnu who are depicted as carrying weapons. They should also not look at those pictures of demigods that encourage the tendency towards violence. If pregnant women look at pictures of friendliness or at pictures that inspire friendliness then it will have a good effect on the baby in the womb and it will have the capability to bring friendliness to everyone.· The five elements and their 25 tendencies are also represented in the form of women. When we elevate ourselves over those elements, our mind will find itself regard them so in our worship. They always remain a source of attraction for every being.· Women who use vermilion are a symbol of strength. After sunset, vermilion is never given outside the house hold. Wise shopkeepers also don’t sell it after sunset because it also represents lakshmi (the goddess of wealth). While the sun is setting, even then it isn’t shared from one house to another. Doing so means that now i am about to lost my loved one, my respected one, my hundred or my deity.· Before their husband or in front of anyone else, a woman should not stand with her hair open or without putting on vermilion, because it weakness their aura, their everything. Then their mind gets befuddled, they become angry, and because of this mentality of theirs, they destroy their family.· Men whose wives’ have a good conduct who use vermilion, who wear the sacred wedding thread, who cover their head and who wear bangles before their husbands they are very fortunate. They receive respect everywhere. They have good friends and well wishers. They are invited everywhere and they gain every position and much prestige. Their children, and whole family, everybody stays happy.· The mentality of the women of our house has a deep influence on our life and our way of acting; thus, we should definitely try to observe them, to contemplate them and to understand them. We should certainly consider whether their mentality is destroying us, or putting us on such a negative path that the next generations will absolutely forget us. We must judge whether, blunted by their blows, in a state of social unconsciousness, we are about to give the hand of our precious daughter like a goddess, and replete with potential into the hands of some wicked, tailless beast man, tinted by so called modernity, believing in every kind of destruction. We must definitely consider whether, influenced by their narrow mentalities, we are neglecting our duties and responsibilities towards our aged parents, to the windows in the family, or to helpless women in the neighbourhood, thereby generating agonized minds which burn down and destroy homes, families, and block after block of communities.· More important than your prayers and worship, meditation and contemplation in your life is your sense of responsibility and duty towards women, and its skilful performance. If you pay no attention to it, you will slowly destroy yourself. Your mind will stay contaminated. You will stay frightened and, having neglected them [women], your vision will become weak; your mind intellect and physical health will also deteriorate, for their agonies will also influence you. You will lose all your happiness and peace and, despite having all luxuries, you will not be able to use them in peace.· Friends! You will have to learn to respect and revere the women in your own home. Because these women expect security, welfare and proper guidance from you men folk, your responsibilities towards them grow even greater. There is no pilgrimage or divine vision greater than your sense of responsibility and fulfilment of your duties towards them.· In many families and homes, the neglect of their old women and widows engenders household misery, and their thoughts then begin to destroy that home. Their weeping and speech then grows frightening in the family, like the sound of a bird of prey at night. Many inauspicious signs and symbols of destruction begin to appear in the home from which only the guru’s idol, the remembrance of great souls, and one’s own stability gives protection. Our agitation can take us on a very wrong path.· There are many villages and communities whole women stray very far away from good thoughts and good sentiments. Their life is so cursed that it is hard to say what lies behind it.· Because of being deprived of the amenities of toilets or protected places for such purposes, women who have to go in the fields or by roadside to relieve themselves often become sick from shame, fear, hesitation and the undesirable sentiments and malevolent eyes of negative people, for then they cannot relieve themselves in a timely manner. Their temperament also becomes irritable and their mentality becomes acrimonious.· There are deadly consequences to women letting their hair loose. Keeping their hair loose before their husbands over the course of a few days is equivalent to putting them to sleep forever. Sometimes they are forced to urinate in the cowshed, and that too has deadly and inauspicious consequences for their husbands. Such unnatural actions of women can be very negative for their husbands, sons and dear ones. People of the family begin to lose face. Food becomes distasteful in that family.· Many of the problems that arise in front of you might be cause by the influence of the mentality of women. If their balance is maintained is then, wherever they be their breath and the vibrations of their body will protect you like an electrical fired. As opposed to this, the bodily vibrations that arise from polluted minds, thoughts and sentiments will not save you from any evil fate.· Our country is addressed as a mother [Mother India]. Not every country in the world is addressed as the mother. Those geographical areas are unique. In the same way, our home is addressed in the name of the mother. Home and family are that lap of the mother in which we find great rest, happiness and peace.· The word Nari is a word full of controversy. Whether it concern the Sita of the Ramayana, or draupadi of the Mahabharata, or Belwa, or any other woman controversies, arise because of them. These women aside, brothers quickly rise to fight with each other because of the women in the house. Leave those women aside, too: people become ready to behead each other because of the women in the field’s people become ready to kill each other. Whoever dies like this has no value.· There are many women in our prayers and worship as well.· If we do not have pure feelings towards women then this mentality can destroy us. But if pure feelings towards them arise in us, then understand that even the most difficult of our tasks will be successful. If you strive to see them on the road to happiness, with their heads covered, with all their makeup, and if they look at you even ones as if you were their son, all your work is done.· If the mentalities of a husband and wife are negative, this will have a bad effect on their children, and this mentality will destroy them. They will not succeed in their tasks.· I can gauge how united are the women by looking at the vermilion on their forehead. Those women of our homes wearing vermilion show that they are united. Joining one their one they are not two but become eleven. This is how you can recognize them. Those who do not have vermilion on their head appear available for everyone. They are dear to everyone. Those who wear vermilion are the bride of the of the lineage, and on looking at them you feel as if they are the revered divinity of the lineage. Salute them, express respect to them within; all this amounts to a worship and prayer of the mother Goddess. This is also one way to progress on the path of your practice.
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